KunstFestSpiele Tag

We invite families and others to a varied and entertaining Sunday full of art, festivity and games.

On Sun. 01.06 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. we present a compact one-day version of the KunstFestSpiele for young and old in the Herrenhausen Gardens – this is the festival in all its facets: music, dance, circus theatre, installation and of course delicious snacks.

We welcome you in the festival centre at the entrance to the Herrenhausen Gardens with coffee, cakes and savouries from Frankfurt’s freitagsküche.

Sun 01.06 / 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Orangerie, Galerie, Großer Garten, Arne Jacobsen Foyer, festivalcentre

Tickets 5 euros per event*

* The installations Best of All and Sunrise for the sleepers, as well as the talk and the CreativeArtsAction for Children, can be experienced free of charge. Tickets for the KunstFestspiele Tag include admission to the Great Garden 2 hours before the start of the respective event.

Supported by Rossmann, hanova, the Gundlach Foundation and the KunstFestSpiele friends' association e.V. 


The programme

The day opens with the circus Modo Grosso, who play with time in Alles | Nichts, sending large and small into unexplored areas of perception by juggling with fabric and stones, magnets and pendulums, string and spheres.

In COW LOVE, an absurd spectacle of acrobatics, comedy, burlesque and show dance, two experts in failure delight all age groups. This touching and unconventional couple tries everything, but screws it all up.

PANOPTICON shows a struggle for the liberation of a human soul from a machine-like body. The dancer Vasiliki Papapostolou impressively translates this longing into a physical language.

Parkmusik für Herrenhausen celebrates the 350th anniversary of the Herrenhausen Gardens with a huge orchestra of 160 musicians. In a musical spectacle specially devised for the Großer Garten even the large bell fountain plays along.

Feinkost Lampe, the surround-sound curators in the Hanover district of Linden, present the Ukrainian folk-jazz quartet Leléka, whose unmistakable style and talent for improvisation cast a spell over their listeners.

The spatial installation Sunrise for the sleepers brings the sun into the Baroque Galerie, transforming the space into a walk-in chamber of light and sound that alters in accordance with our movements. There will be three 30-minute live concerts.

The light installation Best of All shows Leibniz’s famous theory of the best of all possible worlds in giant neon letters on the glass Arne Jacobsen Foyer. The artist Tim Etchells reminds us that this proposition has lost none of its socio-political relevance or acuity over the centuries.

And from 12 to 5 p.m. we offer our young audience a CreativeArtsAction for Children in cooperation with the Kestner Gesellschaft – join in at any time!

The performances last between 30 and 70 minutes and can easily be combined with one another and with the installations.

The complete programme on KunstFestSpiele Tag at a glance

11 a.m. – 9 p.m. freitagsküche
Festival centre
11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Best of All
Tim Etchells
Arne Jacobsen Foyer
12 – 5 p.m. KunstKreativAktion für Kids
Kestner Gesellschaft
Festival centre
12 – 9 p.m. Sunrise for the sleepers – Sound and light installation
Boris Acket / HIIIT
11 – 11.55 a.m. Alles | Nichts
Modo Grosso
Orangerie Hinterbühne
(from age 6)
12.15 – 1.05 p.m. COW LOVE
Société Protectrice de Petites Idées
Großer Garten / Königsbusch
(from age 6)
12.30 – 1 p.m. Sunrise for the sleepers – Live concert
Detmold Percussion Group
1.15 – 1.35 p.m. Talk on the Grand Finale
Friederike Westerhaus in conversation with Ingo Metzmacher
Festival centre
1.15 – 1.45 p.m. PANOPTICON
Vasiliki Papapostolou aka Tarantism
2 – 3.10 p.m. Parkmusik for Herrenhausen
Georg Friedrich Haas
Großer Garten
3.30 – 4.25 p.m. Alles | Nichts
Modo Grosso
Orangerie Hinterbühne
(from age 6)
3.30 – 4.15 p.m. Leléka
Feinkost Lampe concert
Großer Garten / Probebühne
4.30 – 5 p.m. Sunrise for the sleepers – Live concert
Detmold Percussion Group
5.15 – 6.05 p.m. COW LOVE
Société Protectrice de Petites Idées
Großer Garten / Königsbusch
(from age 6)
5.30 – 6 p.m. PANOPTICON
Vasiliki Papapostolou aka Tarantism
6.30 – 7.15 p.m. Leléka
Feinkost Lampe concert
Großer Garten / Probebühne
7.30 – 8 p.m. Sunrise for the sleepers – Live concert
Detmold Percussion Group





















































































For more information, see the detail pages of KunstFestSpiele Tag's individual events and accessibility.