Awareness / Mutual Respect

The KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen are committed to mindful and respectful coexistence and sees itself as a place where people with different biographies can come together. It is therefore particularly important to us that everyone has a safe and pleasant stay at our festival. Please treat each other with kindness and mutual respect. Any form of harassment, discrimination, violence or derogatory behavior will not be tolerated at the KunstFestSpiele. If you feel uncomfortable in any situation, please contact our staff.


Awareness team

In order to provide active support to anyone affected by discrimination, violence and the violation of boundaries during the festival, the KunstFestSpiele team includes staff with ongoing anti-discrimination training. Members of this awareness team can be recognised during the festival by their yellow badges. You can also speak to other festival staff if you would like to contact the awareness team.

It is important to us that we continue to develop in terms of accessibility and awareness and therefore need your support. We want to learn from your and our experiences and are reliant on feedback. At the same time, team members take part in anti-discrimination training courses.


How to contact us

You can reach us in various ways. If you have experienced discrimination at the KunstFestSpiele, you can speak directly to the nearest team member. Or you can contact us by email on or call us on +49 151 40651757. All contacts will be dealt with in strict confidentiality.