
Ingo Metzmacher

Artistic Director
Ingo Metzmacher

Managing Director
Christoph Grasse

Chief Dramaturge
Rainer Hofmann

Beate Schüler

Head of Production
Lena Breitfuß
Thomas Seidel


Thomas Seidel

Produktion (FSJ Kultur)
Tracy-Jade Ihedioha

Artistic Administration
Julia von Knebel

Sponsoring & Fundraising / Human Ressources & Administration / Awareness
Friederike Zschau
Willi Brune

Technical Director
Willi Brune
Wiglev von Wedel

Technical Assistant
Wiglev von Wedel
Daphne Jaschniok

Assistant of Artistic Director / Ticketing
Daphne Jaschniok
Hendrik von Boxberg

Head of Communication
Hendrik von Boxberg
Vera Fleischer

Press and Marketing
Vera Fleischer

Online Communications
Ina Walter

Mathias Brühlmann, Max Kroeschell, Jakob Leba, Sarah Reichert, Julia Schwerdtner, Ronja Wentland, Vera Wieschermann, Hannah Wörpel, Víctor Zapata

Technical Assistant Petra Wiedenhöft 

Allrounder Peter Weidemann

Design festival centre Lucia Vonrhein

Concept and realisation Festival Campus Antonia Rohwetter, Philipp Schulte

Design Aoki & Matsumoto

Translations Michael Turnbull

Director Herrenhausen Gardens Prof. Dr. Anke Seegert

We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Anke Seegert (director of the Herrenhausen Gardens) and all employees of the Herrenhausen Gardens for their excellent cooperation.