KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen 2018

9th edition of the KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen
18. – 03.06.2018

The 9th edition of the KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen brought numerous international artists to Hannover in its two festival weeks, who were enthusiastically received by the Hannover audience. Highlights such as the Requiem by Hector Berlioz in the Kuppelsaal, the Lecture on Nothing by Robert Wilson, and the world premiere of KreisIncrease by composer Brigitta Muntendorf characterized the 2018 program. The most striking eye-catchers were the light installation Best of All by Tim Etchells on the glass façade of the Arne Jacobsen Foyer and the long-term performance by Vlatka Horvat in the swan ponds of the Herrenhausen Gardens. This year, artistic director Ingo Metzmacher again continued his program of dissolving genre boundaries. With Eszter Salamon's MONUMENT 0.4: LORES & PRAXES and ZVIZDAL by the group BERLIN, two further productions were shown that combine film, dance, exhibition, and theater.

The freitagsküche talk format Tischgespräche enabled visitors to talk to the artists they had previously experienced on stage and to get to know their personal side. This year, for the first time, the KunstFestSpiele Campus was held with the support of the Lower Saxony Foundation, offering students of music, theater and art the opportunity to exchange ideas with artists in workshops and to discuss the performances among themselves.


Graphic: Aoki & Matsumoto, Cover: Ori Gersht



Arne Jacobsen Foyer, Berggarten, Galerie, Großer Garten, Kuppelsaal des HCC, Marktkirche, Orangerie, Spiegelzelt

Download material

Program brochure 2018
Press kit 2018
Summary 2018
Sponsors 2018


When Elephants Fight, It Is the Frogs that Suffer

Benjamin Patterson
Sound installation
Fri 18.05. - 6:00 pm (premiere)
Sat 19.05. - Sun 03.06. - daily from 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Berggarten - Paradies



Best of All / What Can

Tim Etchells
Sound- and light installation
Fri 18.05. - 6:00 pm
Sat 19.05. - Sun 03.06. - daily from 11:00 am - 00:00 am
Arne Jacobsen Foyer




Lecture on Nothing

John Cage, Robert Wilson
Theater, performance
Fri 18.05. - 7:30 pm
Sat 19.05. - 7:30 pm



This Here and That There – Herrenhausen Quartet

Vlatka Horvat
Performance, installation
Sat 19.05. - Mon 21.05. - daily from 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Großer Garten - Swan Ponds



Table Talks

Sat 19.05., Mon 21.05., Tue 22.05., Sun 27.05., Thu 31.05., Fri 01.06., Sat 02.06.




Hysterical Furniture

Jonathan Burrows, Matteo Fargion, Hugo Glendinning
Performance, dance, music, culinary
Sun 20.05. - 6:30 pm


GrauSchumacher Piano Duo

Werke von Debussy, Zimmerman, Muntendorf
Mon 21.05. - 6:00 pm (premiere)



Rima Kamel

Rabih Mroué
Tue 22.05. - 7:30 pm



Cry Me A River

Anna Mendelssohn
Wed 23.05. - 7:30 pm


Sebastian Plano

DJ Set
Feinkost Lampe concert
Wed 23.05. - 7:00 pm



Tetzlaff Quartett, Christian Tetzlaff solo

Schostakowitsch, Beethoven, Bartók
Thu 24.05. - 7:30 pm (Tetzlaff Quartett)
Thu 24.05. - 9:30 pm (Christian Tetzlaff solo)



Ascension in Noise

Kasper T. Toeplitz , Myriam Gourfink
Performance, dance
Fri 25.05. - 6:00 pm
Sat 26.05. - 1:00 pm
Sun 27.05. - 3:00 pm


Kabinett Ferrari

Klaus Grünberg, Anne Kuhn
Theater installation
Fri 25.05. - 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm
Sat 26.05. - 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm
Sun 27.05. - 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:00 pm, 6:00 pm



John Kameel Farah

DJ Set
Feinkost Lampe concert
Fri 25.05. - 7:00 pm



Tenebrae Responsoria

Gesualdo / graindelavoix
A cappella concert
Sat 26.05. - 7:30 pm



Hector Berlioz
Sun 27.05. - 11:00 am
Kuppelsaal of the HCC, Hannover



The Way Sounds Go

Simon Steen-Andersen, Decoder Ensemble
Musik, performance, movie
Tue 29.05. - 7:30 pm



Girls in Airports

Kay Le Fay
DJ Set
Feinkost Lampe concert
Tue 29.05. - 7:00 pm



Humboldt Trio

Werke von Schönberg, Rihm
Wed 30.05. - 7:30 pm



Sarah Neufeld

Wed 30.05. - 9:30 pm


An Index of Metals – false twins

Fripp & Eno, Romitelli
Video opera
Thu 31.05. - 7:30 pm



Tabea Zimmermann

Works from Reger, Berio, Zimmermann, Ligeti
Fri 01.06. - 7:30 pm



MONUMENT 0.4: LORES & PRAXES (rituals of transformation)

Eszter Salamon
Exhibition, dance
Sat 02.06. - 1:00 pm
Sun 03.06. - 12:00 pm


ZVIZDAL - (Chernobyl - so far so close)

Movie, theater, performance
Sat 02.06. - 7:30 pm
Sun 03.06. - 6:30 pm



KunstFestSpiele Campus

Sat 19.05. - Tue 22.05.




In our  podcast series In die Gärten mit..., radio journalist Juliane Reil met festival director and conductor Ingo Metzmacher, artists Tim Etchells, Rima Khcheich, Brigitta Muntendorf, Anna Mendelssohn and Simon Steen-Andersen as well as dramaturge Stephan Buchberger for a conversation in the Herrenhausen Gardens before and during the festival in 2018. Every guest had the choice beforehand on whether they wanted to visit the Great Garden, the Berggarten or the public Georgengarten. During the walk, Juliane Reil talked with the artists about their current works for the KunstFestSpiele and also touched on personal topics. The historical model for our podcast were the extended walks through the Herrenhausen Gardens by Electress Sophie of Hanover with polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

The conversations of the 2018 and 2019 festival editions can be listened to on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts or Spotify.




Ingo Metzmacher

Assistance to the Intendance                                                      
Daphne Jaschniok

Stephan Buchberger, Beate Schüler

Artistic Operations Directorate                                        
Marlies Leibitzki

Technical Management                                                                   
Willi Brune

Technical Assistance                     
Wiglev von Wedel

Press and Marketing 
Hendrik von Boxberg, Alexander Krupp, Vera Fleischer

Production Management
Lisa Magdalena Mayer

Team Production                                                                    
Hannah Luttermann, Sandra Hoffmann, Vera Heimisch, Eric Nikodym, Felix Meischter, Linda Steffen (FSJ Kultur)

Curator KunstFestSpiele Campus
Philipp Schulte, Antonia Rohwetter

Directorate Herrenhäuser Gärten            
Ronald Clark

Divisional Management Events/ Rental    
Inga Samii

Peter Müller KulturManagement

Aoki & Matsumoto

Michael Turnball

Stephan Buchberger, Beate Schüler, Daphne Jaschniok,  Hendrik von Boxberg, Alexander Krupp, Marlies Leibitzki