KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen 2019

10th edition of the KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen
10. – 26.05.2019

10 years of KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen - the anniversary was duly celebrated with a birthday edition. New venues such as the Eilenriedehalle and the Faust Kulturzentrum, in addition to the Herrenhausen Gardens, provided space for production highlights by Peter Sellars, Gidon Kremer, Romeo Castellucci, Kate McIntosh, Rebecca Saunders and for the Frank Zappa concert by Ensemble Modern. As a birthday present, the KunstFestSpiele gave the audience a day with numerous performances with free admission. Many other artistic formats, such as the performance with live video by Agrupacíon Señor Serrano, or the silent film concert Fantômas by amiina enriched the 2019 edition of the festival. The DHC-Halle, close to the gardens, was also introduced as a new venue with the impressive work Giudizio.Possibilità.Essere by Romeo Castellucci. Feinkost Lampe again successfully curated several club concerts in the Festivalzelt at the entrance to the Gardens. After the new campus format was well received in the previous year, it was continued in cooperation with the Festival Theaterformen as Festivalcampus Niedersachsen.  This year, students from the disciplines of music, theater and art were again able to exchange ideas with artists and review the performances in workshops and discussions.



Graphic: Aoki & Matsumoto, Cover: Christy Lee Rogers


Arne Jacobsen Foyer, Galerie, Orangerie, Großer Garten, Eilenriedehalle des HCC, Warenannahme of the Kulturzentrum Faust, DHC-Halle, Festivalzelt

Download material

Program brochure 2019

Press kit 2019

Summary 2019

Sponsors 2019


Copy Service

Walkable sculpture
Fri 10.05. - 6:30 pm
Sat 11.05. - Sun 26.05. - daily from 9:00 am - 00:00 am



Greenhouse – Ein Treibhaus für Bilder

Gudrun Barenbrock
Video and sound installation
Opening Fri 10.05. - 9:30 pm
Sat 11.05. - Sun 26.05. - daily from 9:00 pm - 00:00 am
Arne Jacobsen Foyer



Kopernikus – Opéra-rituel de mort

Claude Vivier, Peter Sellars
German premiere of the new production by Peter Sellars
Fri 10.05. - 7:30 pm
Sat 11.05. - 7:30 pm



Complete Works: Table Top Shakespeare

Forced Entertainment
Sat 11.05., Mon 13.05. - Sat 18.05. - each at 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm
Mon 12.05. & Sun 19.05. - each at 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:00 pm, 6:00 pm
Kulturzentrum Faust



Institution Kunstfestival

On the history and political relevance of contemporary
festival cultures
Sat 11.05. - 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Sun 12.05. - 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
Schloss Herrenhausen




Artist dinner
Sat 11.05., Wed 15.05., Thr 16.05., Sun 19.05., Thr 23.05., Sun 26.05.


The KunstFestSpiele celebrate their birthday

Installations, performances, concerts and cinema with free admission
Sun 12.05. - 2:00 pm to 00:00 am
Orangerie, Galerie, Arne Jacobsen Foyer, Ehrenhof, Großer Garten, Nordstadt, Allee in the Georgengarten


Bodies in Urban Spaces

Cie. Willi Dorner
Sun 12.05. - 1:00 pm
Sun 12.05. - 5:30 pm


Global Music - What is it actually?

Center for World Music
Open workshop offer for families
Sun 12.05. - 2:00 pm


Rivers and Tides & Leaning into the Wind

Andy Goldsworthy, Thomas Riedelsheimer
Sun 12.05. - 2:00 pm, 5:00 pm
Foyer Orangerie



Tarek Atoui
Installation, concerts
Sun 12.05. - 2:00 pm



Center for World Music
Live music on the installation Copy Service and in the Großer Garten

Sun 12.05. -  from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
 every half hour
Ehrenhof, Großer Garten


Klangobjekte für Kinder

Erwin Stache
Sun 12.05. - 2:00 pm
Meadow next to the viewing terrace in the Großer Garten


OPUS 112

Wind orchestra of the fire department Hannover, Ingo Metzmacher
Square concert
Sun 12.05. - 2:30 pm in the Schlosshof to the Großen Garten
Sun 12.05. - 4:30 pm  at the end of Herrenhäuser Allee in the Georgengarten



Cie. Willi Dorner
Sun 12.05. - 3:00 pm
Start at the gate of Herrenhäuser Allee at Königsworther Platz, end in Herrenhausen


Around the Edge

Sylvia Palacios Whitman
Sun 12.05. - 4:00 pm


Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren

Figurentheater Seiler
Puppet theater
Sun 12.05. - 4:30 pm


Mikado Remix

Louis Vanhaverbeke
Sun 12.05. - 7:00 pm


Shine A Light

Jocelyn B. Smith & Band
Sun 12.05. - 8:30 pm


Aron Ottignon

DJ Set
Feinkost Lampe concert
Sun 12.05. - 9:30 pm


Grand Hotel Establishment

Julia Mihály
Performance, music theater
Tue 14.05. - 7:30 pm


Le Millipede

Kay Le Fay
DJ Set
Feinkost Lampe concert
Tue 14.05. - 9:00 pm


Håkan Hardenberger & Roland Pöntinen

Works by Antheil, Storm, Berio, Sciarrino, Pöntinen,
Lundgren, Thomson
Wed 15.05. - 7:30 pm


A House in Asia

Agrupación Señor Serrano
Theater, live video, performance
Thu 16.05. - 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm


Land (Stadt Fluss)

Daniel Kötter, Hannes Seidl
Music theater, movie
Fri 17.05. - 6:00 pm


Daniel Brandt

DJ Set
Feinkost Lampe concert
Fri 17.05. - 11:00 pm


The Yellow Shark, Greggery Peccary & Other Persuasions

Frank Zappa, Ensemble Modern
Sat 18.05. - 7:30 pm