KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen 2013
Heimat Utopie (Homeland Utopia)
4th edition of the KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen
01. – 22.06.2013
For the fourth time, the KunstFestSpiele in the Herrenhausen Gardens between June 1 and 22, 2013 enabled encounters with outstanding Hanoverian artists and international greats - all under the motto "Heimat Utopie" (Homeland Utopia). 25 very different program points presented the audience with interdisciplinary productions from music, theater, installations and talk formats. The Akademie der Spiele also once again provided exciting impulses for interested schoolchildren and thus successfully carried out educational work. Hannover's offer to enjoy modern arts in a relaxed, summery atmosphere was taken up by numerous spectators. Highlights included the meeting of pianists Igor Levit and Frederic Rzweski, the three-day performance marathon The House Of Our Fathers with the Needcompany in the baroque gallery, and the crowning finale with Heiner Goebbels' When The Mountain Changed Its Clothing. Interactive art installations in the Great Garden and in the foyer of the Orangery invited visitors to the Herrenhäuser Gardens to marvel and try things out.
Graphic: Roya Visual Ideas, Cover: Michael Hudler
Arne Jacobsen Foyer, Orangerie, Galerie, Großer Garten
Download material
Program brochure 2013
Bilanz 2013
Sponsors 2013
Opening Wolf D.Prix (COOP HIMMELB(L)AU) |
Atlas - Inseln der Utopie José María Sánchez-Verdú |
Peter & der Wolf |
Ferne Nähe Bewegung Ensemble Mosaik |
Kinder Toten Lieder - Alle Lust will Ewigkeit Richard van Schoor, Kreas, Caprificus.org |
A-Ronne II Luciano Berio |
Madrigali Notturni Katharina Rosenberger |
Inszenierte Nacht Simon Steen-Andersen |
Igor Levit, Frederic Rzewski |
Romanzen Mädchenchor Hannover, Ensemble S
Hojotoho - Eine Wagner-Blech-Comedy Mnoli Brass
Wenn die Seele heimatlos wird - Ein Behandlungsversuch 20th Herrenhäuser Talk |
The house of our fathers Jan Lauers, Needcompany |
Relax Matthias Kaul |
Alle Menschen werden Brüder II Stephan Froleyks |
Freizeitspektakel Daniel Kötter, Hannes Seidel |
Singing Garden |
When the mountain changed its clothing Heiner Goebbels |
Heimat Utopie Erwin Stache |
Pavillon der Sinne Final presentation of the Akademie der Spiele |
Wohnen mit Verkehrsanbindung Michael Sailstorfer |
Schon Schön Hochschule Hannover |
Elisabeth Schweeger
Production Management
Marlies Leibitzki
Festival Office / Production Team
Julian Gröschl, Hannah Luttermann, Lisa Magdalena Mayer
Roland Quitt
Consulting Music
Heike Hoffmann
Curator Art Projects & Akademie der Spiele
Leonore Leonardy
Design Festival Lounge
Wanda Golonka & Students of scenography (Hochschule Hannover)
Technical Management
Kristof Wistal
Team Technology
tomasz Wojtyra, Mathias Märker, Georg Rech, Moritz Erhardt, Arkadij Singer
Press & PR
Barbara Krüger Kommunikation (Barbara Krüger, Maya Stockmann, Lukas Koth, Jakob Hermens)
Communication & Marketing
Sarah Kniep
Roya Visual Ideas, katy@roya.cc
Directorate Herrenhäuser Gärten
Ronald Clark
Herrenhäuser Gärten Divisional Management Events
Inga Samii
Herrenhäuser Gärten Communications, Sales and Visitor Services
Anja Kestennus