HCC Kuppelsaal

Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1-3, 30175 Hannover

Bus & Train
From station 'Kröpcke' you can take the U-Bahn 11 to Zoo, in approx. 8 min exit at station 'Hannover Congress Centrum'. From central main station you can take the Buses 128 and 134 to Peiner Straße, in approx. 10 min exit at station 'Hannover Congress Centrum'.

Car & Parking
The visitors' parking area at the west side of HCC is subject to charges. For the visitors' parking area, enter the direction Schillstraße 1, 30175 Hanover into the navigation device.

The 'Hannover Congress Centrum' tram stop is accessible without steps. Accessible parking spaces are located near the Parkrestaurant (Kuppelsaal area) and in the area of the multi-storey car parks on Schillstraße (close to the main entrance). Access to the Kuppelsaal is barrier-free. Accessible toilets are available in all areas of the HCC. For more information, see accessibility or check the website of Hannover Congress Centrum.